Swiss Hanf Production AG

Swiss Hanf Production AG has specialized in the production of additional feed for horses and in the production of hemp-based pesticides.

Due to the high effectiveness and efficiency of the plant protection product and the high digestibility of the additional feed, the countless, extremely positive feedback for both products, and the ever-increasing demand, the founder decided a few years ago to expand the limited production capacity to meet the strong demand for its products.

As a result, the founder reinvested the income and years of work in the cultivation, development, manufacture and processing of the crop protection product and feed products based on hemp. The current feed processing infrastructure, mill and drying facilities are outsourced, monitored and operated in close cooperation with farmers on their farms. Through the many years of work, the founder, like his team, has acquired a great deal of specialist knowledge and is very well versed in the breeding, production and processing of hemp and hemp products.

We are allowed to support the company in various stages of product development and marketing. From product design and marketing to communication with shareholders.


Project Details

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Swiss Hanf Production AG

Project Details

Swiss Hanf Production AG has specialized in the production of additional feed for horses and in the production of hemp-based pesticides.

Due to the high effectiveness and efficiency of the plant protection product and the high digestibility of the additional feed, the countless, extremely positive feedback for both products, and the ever-increasing demand, the founder decided a few years ago to expand the limited production capacity to meet the strong demand for its products.

As a result, the founder reinvested the income and years of work in the cultivation, development, manufacture and processing of the crop protection product and feed products based on hemp. The current feed processing infrastructure, mill and drying facilities are outsourced, monitored and operated in close cooperation with farmers on their farms. Through the many years of work, the founder, like his team, has acquired a great deal of specialist knowledge and is very well versed in the breeding, production and processing of hemp and hemp products.

We are allowed to support the company in various stages of product development and marketing. From product design and marketing to communication with shareholders.


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