
For you on the go: With us you receive exactly those service areas that you need. Not more but also not less!


For you on the go: With us you receive exactly those service areas that you need. Not more but also not less!


Communication is a service. It’s not about “pressing our stamp” on you, but about understanding your products, services or concerns and implementing them exactly as you want them or how it is received by the target group. Customer contact is a matter for the boss, which is why only management staff take care of direct contact with you.


We create concepts, strategies and plans – use us where you no longer know what to do or where you want to delegate your marketing tasks to devote yourself to other tasks. As pieces of the puzzle, we are happy to put ourselves in exactly the place where you want us to be.


We take care of the perfect implementation of your advertising material. Be it the design of a new logo or the design of your printed matter or new website. In addition to our own creative staff, we work with specialists all over the world. So we always have exactly the ideal style and those design specialists at hand who know best how to implement your individual implementations.


We implement communication. From the new corporate identity, to daily internal or external printed matter, to company apps or database-driven websites. But also the content of your social media activities. We create content that is customer-specific and especially for you.



From scribble draft to final artwork.
Sometimes it is a long way from the first idea to the finished stationery and final layout. We know how to implement your or our ideas perfectly. In this way, your company appearance, your brochure or advertising message will be unique and will reach the desired target group directly.

The idea.
At every beginning there is an idea; a flash of inspiration that needs to be captured and caught. However, only the best ideas are worth pursuing.

Planning & Drafting.
In a second phase, the ideas are first implemented in the head, later also as a scribble or as a draft on paper. It doesn’t matter whether a new logo or a company appearance is to be developed, or whether a website is to be redesigned; The process is always very similar.

Usually only two or three out of dozens of ideas make it into the implementation phase. Only now are desktop publishing or techniques used for the final illustration and presentation.

If a company or a product has perfect “branding” or an optimal brand image, the desired results and goals can be achieved. We support you in every phase – be it a new launch or a relaunch.

A brand must be built seriously from the very beginning. Strict compliance with a design manual is only one aspect. From the mission statement, internal and external communication to behavior in social media channels, everything that has to do with communication today is part of a successful brand image.

Holistic Appearance

Digitization has not stopped at the graphics and communications industry either. Today, a simple logo can be made for as little as a few dollars at 99designs or through Fiverr. We also use such digital platforms in some cases – above all to pick up new ideas and start design implementations with a wide selection. The results are often “okay”. But there is more to a professional application!

A good logo idea is usually just the start of a perfect design. A logo must be simple and timeless and be able to be used in as many different ways as possible. A pure text implementation can of course be supplemented with symbols, pictograms and suitable elements. However, a logo is always the most striking unique selling point of a company – and must reflect this visually. A logo must be able to be displayed perfectly with the address and full company name, but also on its own!

We see it as our clear task to provide our customers with professional advice and support. For example, what use is a very great and creative logo with a beautiful color gradient. At the latest when textiles (e.g. T-shirts for the employees) are produced, such a logo reaches its limits. A color gradient cannot be embroidered and a “cheap” transfer print is usually not the quality that is desired.

A logo and corporate identity accompany a company for years. It is natural and normal that over time it appears boring and outdated and that new impulses are desired. But even if a rebranding is a huge opportunity for a company, this step is always associated with great danger and can mean a complete change of image. Therefore, such a change must always be carefully considered and accompanied professionally. It should never be done on a short-term whim.

Corporate design involves more than just a logo

A professional company appearance usually includes something more than just a logo. Even for a small company, it is worth preparing a minimal corporate design manual. This shows exactly how and where a logo can be placed, which colors go with it and which fonts should be used. In this way, a guideline for all means of communication in your company is defined with simple means.

Many communication agencies and consultants first try to sell a new image to a new customer. This is an extremely attractive job that is often associated with many follow-up orders. However, if a logo has been implemented and introduced in good quality – we act according to these principles – the world does not always have to be reinvented. Sometimes a small, gentle redesign is enough and a fresh breeze is already blowing through all the new printed matter and the website.

Internationally active companies have entire manuals with numerous application examples, with many “dos” and “don’ts”, imagery and numerous details on how a corporate image is structured and how the corporate design must be used. We appreciate these guidelines and then set ourselves a standard so that an advertisement for a company looks the same all over the world. This is very important and is part of a professional implementation. And yet there are always variables within these guidelines that we skilfully exploit and with which we still give the company in question the customary, regional touch.

For SMEs and smaller companies, we recommend keeping the CD manual clear and limiting it to a reasonable length. A few pages are enough: a first page provides information about the logo applications and variations, placement and protective areas, a second about the color concept with the possible color values for print and web, and a third page contains details about the fonts and styles used .

Of course, the logos have to be prepared in the appropriate formats for print and printing. Once this unique work is created, any assistant can deliver the correct logo to a printer and there are no more surprises with pixelated or incorrect applications.

If the appearance is to be recorded on a larger scale, the manual is supplemented with the imagery and application examples as well as basic templates, such as design grids (advertisement examples or Word templates).

In principle, such a CD manual as well as the associated logo templates should be accessible to all employees so that not everyone simply creates their own templates or forms individually.

However, a new customer relationship can also start with an initial, comprehensive analysis of previous implementations. Sometimes a few recommendations and corrections are enough to get a company website back on track and give it new impetus.



We create websites.
The development on the Internet has been rapid in recent years. Fortunately, the World Wide Web has now reached a point in the past few years where there are almost no limits to design, functionality and applicability. Entire workflows can already be outsourced to a database-driven web solution and the “cloud” replaces some internal servers.

Since Google announced in 2015 that non-responsive websites will be given less attention, it has been taken for granted that a website should be structured in such a modular way that it can be displayed optimally on a wide variety of devices. A challenge! Structure, image representations, menu navigation, text breaks are treated individually in the different browsers or on the end devices.

A company image or a corporate identity or corporate design of a company must of course also be reflected on the web. A user should recognize from the first second which company, club, association or brand he is with. An integrated corporate web is now possible and a matter of course right through to social media.

After completion, a website should also be able to be managed by the owner of the site himself. Fortunately, the tools are very easy to use today. It is often even easier than creating a form letter with Word and Excel. Of course, we can also take over the entire content management on your website if you wish.

Cost Efficient.
A classic website can no longer cost tens of thousands of francs today. Today we mainly create websites with WordPress. Around 25% of the websites on the World Wide Web have already been created with WordPress. We also use thousands of design templates. This means that an individual web solution tailored to you can be created efficiently and nonetheless.

A company without a website does not exist!

Websites, but also the associated social media, have become indispensable in the business world and are an integral part of all current communication planning. They are the business card of every company.

Where a customer used to look up a contact address in the phone book, the same query is now simply entered into Google. Of course, it would be devastating if the competitor’s phone number or e-mail address was found before one’s own company, simply because the website does not correspond to the latest technology.

Today, web optimization, SEO (search engine optimization) or content and channel marketing are a matter of course for a company. Where brochures, flyers and catalogs used to be regularly printed and distributed, many things are now published online. All of this must be maintained and kept up to date at all times. However, many SMEs are still overwhelmed with the numerous and constantly newly developed possibilities. An entry is created quickly – but is it really maintained? Nothing is worse than when a restaurant reservation is sent to an email address that is no longer valid or the phone number is from the previous owner! Who maintains all these entries? Who manages all access passwords and keeps track of them?

All these measures on the web are there to optimize or increase the good reputation of a company on the internet. Even if all of these measures are individual for a company and are put together customer-specifically, we can offer many of these services with a project fee or offer a monthly subscription.

Around a third of all websites worldwide are created with WordPress!

Customer wishes and the criteria for a website have changed significantly in recent years. In the past, you just wanted to be present. Today it goes without saying that a shop including credit card connection, a blog and the integration of moving images or music are also part of the website.

We usually design new websites on the basis of WordPress. This allows customers to quickly and easily add new information to the website themselves, if desired. Of course, our customers are trained and instructed accordingly. You also don’t have to decide on a shop, a news blog or the integration of social media at the start of the project. Thanks to WordPress, such elements can also be easily implemented and added later without reprogramming the entire website. This eliminates repeated basic costs. There are also no recurring fees for external updates, as customers can often do this themselves. But of course we are also available here with a “full service”. The customer decides for himself which type of cooperation is to be used.

WordPress is free software. There are no additional software costs for this. According to various sources, more than 30% of the world’s websites are already being developed in WordPress. A premium template is used for each of our web projects. We buy this accordingly and then individualize these basic designs according to the wishes and the corporate design guidelines of the customer.

There is practically nothing that cannot be realized with WordPress. With the help of thousands of plugins, subject-specific applications can also be easily implemented. Regardless of whether it is a classic shop, a holiday home booking tool, an event planner or a member directory with its own social media functions. Almost everything has already been developed. And if it’s a new property, you simply code your own plugin.

In addition, there are of course various extensions for the security of the website, for spam protection, the exchange with newsletter tools or for backups to external clouds.

No matter how individually a website is developed, the basis remains WordPress and this allows a great result with modest development costs!

Security thanks to maintenance update subscription

Although our websites are usually managed by the customers themselves after completion, we recommend a maintenance subscription. An up-to-date website is therefore more secure against hostile attacks!

With a regular or at least annual maintenance update, you ensure that your website is always up to date and works with the latest plugins.

Gaps are often discovered in older software versions, which are exploited today to modify or maliciously destroy a website. Even if you don’t have an active online shop, every server space on the Internet is interesting for use as a spam server or for installing malware on it.

For as long as computers have existed, this rule has applied: Make regular backups and check them from time to time, and always keep the programs up to date. This also applies to a website.

And if it does happen: hopefully well insured!

If, despite all security precautions, your website was the target of an attack: keep calm. Restoring a previous version from a backup copy takes little effort when you’re perfectly protected. And today even many insurance companies offer cyber insurance that insures such recoveries and even loss of earnings. Check it out with your trusted insurance advisor.

Protect yourself and your information!

The issue of security is playing an increasingly important role on the Internet. Above all, the ever-present and increasing security risk from cybercrime is a headache for many entrepreneurs as well as private website operators. Deal with it from the very beginning!

More and more sensitive data is transmitted via online communication. Company data is often completely outsourced to the cloud. This data must be protected against unauthorized access. Even if you don’t have the security of a bank, there are a few basic rules that will already make your website and your data much more secure:

All systems, your software as well as the content management system and virus protection should be running in a current version and the latest updates should be installed (automatically and regularly). Use only properly licensed or purchased programs.

For Internet connections, use SSL or TLS encryption. The HTTPS protocol on a website, for example, prevents unauthorized persons from reading and manipulating data on the website. If you access your own data externally, then only with a secure line (e.g. a VPN connection).

Only use secure passwords and meaningful usernames and renew them from time to time. Delete old users and FTP accounts! Did you know that almost every WordPress website has dozens of robots trying to log in with the username «admin» and a password every day? Special security tools prevent the countless repetitions of these login attempts.

Although there are many technical ways to protect data on a website, there is no 100% guarantee that you will not be the victim of a hacking attack. After all, cyber crime on the web unfortunately already generates more sales than the previous number 1 in the industry: erotica!



A text must say something! We formulate and communicate clear messages. There is hardly a topic that has not already been written about. We are happy to read up on your industry or products in order to then create the perfect texts for your company, for your advertising message or for your product.

A picture says more than a thousand words. In various image databases, images and videos can now be purchased for little money. Exclusive pictures or individual film recordings are of course “customized” with a suitable photographer or film team and created especially individually for you. We will find the right picture for every topic!

There are situations where a photo is not the appropriate means of representation. In this case, we use graphics, Photoshop montages or specially created illustrations. There are hardly any limits to presenting what you want exactly the way you want it.

Marketing and communication for the gastronomy.

A perfect restaurateur has to pamper the guests and conjure up (or have) the perfect dishes on the plate. But in order to attract new customers, it takes a little more than just letting a good smell flow from the ventilation system into the neighborhood. In order to successfully run a restaurant business, all communication registers must be pulled out today.

We are always allowed to accompany hotels and restaurants in communication.

Be it naming and logo branding, designing the menu or wine list, seasonal flyers, creating websites, support and development in the social media area, TripAdvisor optimization or creating PR To report.

We know the needs of the different target groups and know exactly where printed matter and consumables such as serviettes, placemats, but also menus or clothing can be obtained in a sensible and individual way. We are there for our customers: before the opening until they have finished drinking.

Newspapers and magazines are passions

A perfect restaurateur has to pamper the guests and conjure up (or have) the perfect dishes on the plate. But in order to attract new customers, it takes a little more than just letting a good smell flow from the ventilation system into the neighborhood. In order to successfully run a restaurant business, all communication registers must be pulled out today.

We are always allowed to accompany hotels and restaurants in communication.

Be it naming and logo branding, designing the menu or wine list, seasonal flyers, creating websites, support and development in the social media area, TripAdvisor optimization or creating PR To report.

We know the needs of the different target groups and know exactly where printed matter and consumables such as serviettes, placemats, but also menus or clothing can be obtained in a sensible and individual way. We are there for our customers: before the opening until they have finished drinking.

How should SMEs use social media: trend or market change?

“Social media” – the magic word of the 21st century has long since found its way into offices. Already Xing today or liked a post or geTik-Tokt? The language of social media should not only be reserved for kids and teens. Rather, these are modern communication platforms today that need to be used and can be used! Success comes to those who use all communication platforms and don’t close themselves off to new things. The distribution and sales channels are breaking new ground today, and the following applies here: Don’t miss out on jumping on the bandwagon and benefiting from it. Unfortunately, it is no longer enough to simply maintain a nice website or web shop online. It all comes down to the right networking. In every industry and in all areas, social media can contribute to your success. Be open to new things and show willingness to change, better today than tomorrow!

How should social media be used? Is this a purely private matter to strengthen and promote your own ego? Or should a platform only be used to entertain existing customers and exchange current company information with them? The boundaries between private and business are becoming increasingly fluid and overarching. What do you do when your trainee invites you as a friend on Facebook? How do you react when the wife of your new business contact wants to network with you via XING? Or how do you distribute your latest company image video if not via your own YouTube channel? You have to be clear: With social media, the boundaries between business and private are disappearing. So always be careful what is posted. The internet doesn’t forget. Stand behind what you publish and think twice beforehand – but do something and be there! Those who hesitate are the losers and fall by the wayside!

What does it mean for a company when apprentices and interns spend one to two hours typing on their cell phones every day, liking the latest trends and sharing every single step of your work with your friends on Facebook? How should a company deal with it, what should be allowed and what should be forbidden?

In a modern company, one way or another, it should no longer be the classic working hours that regulate the workload, but rather the personal goals of each employee. Nevertheless, it is understandable that private work should not actually be tolerated during working hours. However, with a few guidelines, the Internet and social media skills should be defined for each employee and the sense of belonging as a unit of the company should be promoted. In our checklists you can easily define your company’s own framework conditions and we will provide you with a template on how you can apply this to yourself.

Know and find target groups and clean up your own mailing list!

Just a few years ago, a salesperson or sales representative was only as good as his mailing list. Only those who meticulously tracked their contacts knew who had which hobbies, how many children or which partner – they acted as a likeable “friend” and could pick up the orders in a more targeted and easier way. Little has really changed since then. Because today it’s actually still exactly the same. If you know your contacts, you score faster and easier.

Hand on heart: Do you take the opportunity in your numerous contacts and congratulate your caregivers on their birthday, change of relationship status or promotions? Do you take the chance when someone changes jobs? Here you can benefit twice: The former company of the contact now has a new employee: This is your new customer potential. And your contact’s new employer can also become your new customer. He just doesn’t know yet, you’re responsible for that. Use your contact opportunities and let your skills play. Only those who maintain and expand their network and categorize contacts accordingly will be successful. But here, too, maintaining and making contacts takes time. Schedule this work into your daily or weekly work schedule. It’s always about the benefit of your customers!

Social media strategy: First clarify questions!

For companies, especially for SMEs, social media can work wonders – not least in marketing. Many companies can achieve greater brand awareness, see increases in sales and it can even create new markets and market potential. Above all, business on the Internet will be boosted.

But for a well thought-out social media strategy, it is important to clarify the basic questions in advance: Which networks should be used?

Which update interval is planned?
In every business model, different questions are asked or answered differently. In the initial phase, the main thing is to observe and be inspired. Don’t just copy and paste! Try to tailor good concepts and ideas even better for yourself and implement them in a company-specific style.

The following steps should help you with this. If this procedure sounds familiar to you from other communication plans, that is absolutely justified. After all, social media is nothing more than communication that you used to do with newsletters or in-house newspapers – simply in a completely new, faster and interactive form:

Define your goals:
Before a company decides to use social media, a goal should be defined. You should be clear about the purpose to be served. There are so many different goals that can be achieved. Should brand awareness be increased? Are you looking for new opinion leaders or just new potential customer contacts? Should a new customer service be established? The overarching goal definition helps to answer all subsequent questions more easily.

Also use measurable indicators, such as the desired number of followers to be reached within a year.

Identify target audience!

Determining the target group is at least as important as asking about the goals. Determine the group you want to target and how you will target them. The first-name form is also not necessarily the right form of address for a company in social media. Decide in the classic way based on demographic characteristics, but also based on interests and socio-demographic criteria.

Here, a distinction can already be made between which target groups should receive which contents.

Set thematic priorities: What should be communicated?

Have you answered the previous questions about business goals, target audience and network selection? Now deal with the topics that you will be communicating.

Stay as close to your product or service as possible. Collect topics that could be of interest to your target group on an ongoing basis. What distinguishes you from the competition, which new staff do you have, which milestones have you reached and will you still reach? Collect internally and externally, keep your eyes open and let your employees collect every snippet in a common pool that could be used for communication at some point.

But it’s no good if you, as a bike dealer, post the latest used bikes every day. After just three to four days, people will no longer appreciate it. There are also customers who recently bought a new, expensive bike from you. They don’t want to see any second-hand offers and notice that it could also be cheaper!

Determine social networks.

The variety of social media platforms is almost beyond grasp. There are special platforms for many industries and niches that need to be recognized and occupied.

Which networks are important to achieve the company goals and your target group? Where are your customers, suppliers, employees? Watch where your competitors are.

In the b2c area (business-to-customer), a large number of the target group is still reached via Facebook, but this platform is not mandatory for b2b (business-to-business).

In addition to Facebook, platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, but also the networks Xing and LinkedIn can certainly be observed. These mostly include industry-specific platforms. Define the networks that are relevant to you and that you want to use, and above all inform all employees how which networks should be used. Work out specific rules of conduct for this (e.g. how the company should be defined as an employer on XING, which topics can be posted on Facebook and by whom).

Planning the topics

Especially when you start social media activities, it is important that you regularly delight your target group with content. Before starting, a multi-week topic plan should be drawn up. An editorial plan for the fan page helps with the start and with the coordination of the various contributions. You can always slide in the latest news, so you also have topics that you can use when the news is sluggish. This ensures that you always have an item at hand and never have to improvise. A mix of updates also helps. Be it blog posts, specialist articles, press releases, case studies, media reports, images, videos or e-books.

Attention: Switzerland is not Germany or the world!

Many tips and strategies for building social channels come from Germany, but also from many English sources. Please note that these markets are always at least 10 times larger than if your target group was exclusively in Switzerland. Of course, this makes building the social channels correspondingly slower and more cumbersome. Unfortunately, a test target group for us is sometimes the entire target group, so all the great success stories from Germany or the English-speaking world cannot always be interpolated for the Swiss market.

Why reviews on the Internet are becoming increasingly important!

Unfortunately, a good website, attractive offers and some search engine optimization are no longer enough to stand out from the crowd on the Internet. Positive reviews on TripAdvisor, Google or other platforms make the difference.

Customer reviews are positive as well as negative comments that an internet user can leave about a company and their experience with the services. With so many competitors online, your customers’ reviews can make all the difference. Customers often use the reviews as a reference to make a final choice about where or what to shop.

Especially in the gastronomy and tourism sectors, but also medicine, care, clothing, beauty salons or hairdressers, but also when choosing a larger investment, such as a car, many customers rely on the reviews of other users when choosing a company.

Of course, it is also very important to respond to customer reviews, especially if they are negative, because these are weighted more heavily than positive reviews. It is therefore very important to deal with your customers’ problems immediately and to show that your company is interested in the opinions and concerns and that it strives for satisfied customers.

Therefore, register your company in as many online directories as possible, but also in the right ones, with information and offers. Build your online presence, but also manage it. Reward these customers, for example, by offering special discounts or regularly giving away something under the current ratings.

Your own YouTube channel!

YouTube is the entertainment medium number 1 of today’s computer generation. There are millions of films and movies on this platform, which were often produced unprofessionally. With high-quality films, you can quickly stand out from the crowd and make optimal use of the popular communication channel.

There’s almost nothing that doesn’t already have instructions on YouTube. Be it the latest cup cake recipe, how to learn the guitar riffs from Led Zeppelin or how the plants in the garden thrive best. So why not use this medium for your own company?

Every user can set up their own channel for specific topics, which in turn can be subscribed to. From a few thousand subscribers, money is even earned. YouTube pays the operators part of the advertising revenue that is generated thanks to the respective channel.

But Google also rewards video content with significantly better page rankings than just text and image contributions.

However, a YouTube channel can also be used simply for support requests, application instructions or for demonstrating your products. Customer loyalty via this channel is unbeatable if the customer keeps coming back to see how, for example, a toner needs to be changed. Or to the insurance expert, who always has a few free tips and tricks up his sleeve.

However, a channel is only successful and used accordingly if new, interesting or funny videos are published regularly. The same applies here as when operating a classic social media channel. Better to do nothing than only half-heartedly!

Print or e-mail newsletters

There are many advertising stop stickers on mailboxes that protect against advertising. In email marketing, this is the spam filter that is designed to suppress an unwanted message. We all know that our mailboxes are full of newsletters and offers of all sorts – often from the most dubious sources. Of course, you can reach a multiple of your customer potential immediately and more cost-effectively with e-mail marketing. But how many mailings do you send yourself to the “virtual waste paper” or SPAM folder after a fraction of a second and, in the worst case, your domain ends up on a spam list. We know how professional email marketing is done and automated!

Successful email marketing is a major challenge for a company. It costs next to nothing to simply send a campaign email to a million addresses. But does that bring the desired sales success or just an entry in the provider’s “blacklists”?

Address your customers in a targeted and individual way! Your own customer addresses who have subscribed to a newsletter or who have explicitly requested information from you are still the best sources. The potential of previous customers is often underused. But even if these addresses are managed: Quality comes before quantity! There is no point in trumpeting an action every week and sending it to all clients. Thanks to selection criteria, individual customer groups can also be explicitly addressed today. This is the only way to read newsletters or campaign e-mails and generate a reaction. And many follow-up or reminder mailings can now be prepared once, programmed and then sent fully automatically. It is better to invest a little more in the preparation and benefit from the possibilities of automation.

To ensure that your message to customers is not automatically classified as spam, a few rules must be observed. Anti-spam laws are getting more and more complicated. Above all, however, make sure that you only send newsletters to those of your customers who have expressly requested or accepted it. Everything else is illegal!

Here are a few tips to help prevent spam filters from becoming active in a customer newsletter:

  • No promotional text in the subject line
    In order not to end up in the spam filter because of the title line, the subject should sound as little like an advertising text as possible. Of course, it should still be meaningful.
  • Individual salutation
    An e-mail should be structured like a serial letter. This also means with individual and personal salutation and possibly individualized content.
  • No attachments
    Attachments should be avoided in e-mails. Images or additional information must be linked with links.
  • Plain text
    Many lurid words arouse the suspicion of being advertising. Avoid words like free, discount or similar and still use easy-to-understand text.
  • Presentation
    The presentation should be simple, classic and plain, but the overall appearance should still be attractive. Few bold texts and if possible everything in the same color.
  • Email marketing tool with certified sending
    If an IP address is approved to send bulk mail, the chance of disappearing in the spam filter is small. Well-known and recommended providers are, for example, or