Höfner Volksblat & Marchanzeiger

We were allowed to create new, modern websites for the Höfner Volksblatt and the Marchanzeiger. Despite the new appearance, newspapers remain classic print media. Depechen reports are published automatically; the editors can add local topics manually and selectively. In addition, various other tools for subscription orders and diversions, weather forecasts, surveys or live cams have been integrated.

Höfner Volksblatt

Project Details

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Höfner Volksblat & Marchanzeiger

Project Details

We were allowed to create new, modern websites for the Höfner Volksblatt and the Marchanzeiger. Despite the new appearance, newspapers remain classic print media. Depechen reports are published automatically; the editors can add local topics manually and selectively. In addition, various other tools for subscription orders and diversions, weather forecasts, surveys or live cams have been integrated.

Höfner Volksblatt

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